Image as recorded on 9th September 2005, 17:26 hrs JST.
Its been a while I looked at the moon. Last time when I shot him with the 70-200mm VR lens, I felt the need of a 400mm, so finally I bought the 2x teleconvertor that I promised my self. As expected the teleconvertor softened the image considerably.
Sharpening and applying a slight S curve in Nikon Capture revealed some more detail as under.

Camera : D70
Lens : 70-200mm VR f2.8 + 2x Teleconvertor (ie @ 400mm)
Aperture : f5.6
Shutter : 1/125 Sec.
Why is moon masculine? I would prefer a feminine gender to a very beautiful object such as the moon!
Unassumingly all my senses could perceive it in the visible spectrum as a floating mass in space.
I would reserve the feminine part for a romantic full moon weekend, If I am lucky to have one :-)
ciao ramps
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