Monday, May 15, 2006

Pollen & Pollen.

Yesterday evening I just wanted to shoot macro. Bi-cycled around the fields of Hirooka-yoshida. An bee flew into the frame which resulted in the above capture.
Now, whats the flower ID ?

Another macro shot. So what`s this ?


bilbo said...

the second shot is prolly that of a dandelion. Once read a collection of short stories abt the blue moon. If you blow on this flower, the ones that remain on the stalk correspond to the time of the day. Off course on a blue moon day, thirteen remain :)

Ram Prasad Bojanki said...

Thankyou very much bilbo for sharing the info.

Unknown said...

nice.. I like the way you have cropped the first one.

Ram Prasad Bojanki said...

Thanks sameer, but there was no crop. These are full frame captures

bilbo said...

was looking at these pics again and realised that they are both the same flowers. Dandelion is a weed that you'd see aplenty these days. Yellow flowers that give way to these white wisps. I followed a few around in the train this golden wk. That was fun