Shortly there is going to be a population explosion in the file formats you guess which file format is going to outsmart Chinese+Indian population by leaps and bounds? .....???
No need to strain your grey cells its the one and only one JPEG.
In the winter of 1998 when I was flipping though a tech magazine at the college library I came across a term "Digital Still Camera", the concept was simple a CCD sensor --> Analog to Digital convertor--> DSP processor(Imaging algorithm) --> RAW/JPEG file. I said to myself this is it, this is the solution to all my problems. Well let me tell you what the problem was : I always felt I had a good eye for photography but could never afford one in the first place. In those days photography was always a rich mans passion.
wrt the DSC the Pros listed were : A. One time Investment B. Unlimited shots(limit: memory size).etc and virtually NO Cons other than the Price(is this true).
My long wait came to an end in the spring of 2001, I bought myself a Kodak KB-10 (a point and shoot)camera.It costed some 700INR/15USD with 2kodak 36/ISO200 film rolls free. I started my journey by pondering over the kodak website for the photo tips.With a point and shoot there was nothing to worry,just choose ISO100/200/400 film and all you need to look for is proper framing of the subject.I enjoyed it to the best. I captured real good memories with it(Elxsi SD group Picnic to Hognekal waterfalls,wayanadu trek,sabarimala yatra etc).
Lessons Learnt : ISO is inversely proportional to ur lighting conditions.
Kodak KB-10
My profession got me to the land of cameras : Japan, getting a decent remuneration I just went with the flow.We started touring Japan,and started with Osaka-Nara.I walked into a camera shop(may be yodobashi),was clueless on what camera to buy !! Finally made up my mine if its 1.2/2/3Meg pixel I will pick up the highest of all.Now which brand to choose ? only one brand I been hearing for my childhood Japans No:1 brand SONY. So I landed up with a 5 Mega Pixel Sony P10 cybershot.with a 3x optical zoom it looked really great. Well the other numericals were just greek and Latin to me.
Sony Cybershot P-10
Ended up paying 70K Yen/28K INR/620USD that includes a 32+128 MB Sony Memory Sticks.The funny part was that 8 of my colleagues bought the cybershot P8, some assuming that I bought it after a through review of all the models. Any way it didn't disappoint us todate.The best memories that I captured was my parents visit to Japan. By now I became a photography buff and day by day I started finding fault with the quality. I was most disappointed when I was not getting the right exposures. Realized that the camera was not built for what I demanded. Only option was to switch to a better one.
Lessons Learnt : Decent photographic print(postcard size) demands 3.2Meg Pixel.Dont be fooled by the mega pixel nos unless u need larger prints.
Of all the Digital Cameras my value to money camera happens to be the Nikon coolpix 3.2-5 Meg pixel range.
With my quest for perfection at an all time high. I planned to switch to Digital SLR. For almost 6 months I was in a fix of which religion should I choose. As its a kinda rubicon once I choose btw Nikon and Canon. A couple of trips to Yodobashi camera shop in tokyo left me clueless. I finally drew the line and Kissed the Digital Rebel Canon a Good bye and hugged the Nikon D70. One thing for sure the Nikon bodies give you a feel good factor in your hand.Nikon being my subconscious choice.
Nikon D70
Finally I got my baby on August 4th 2004,I dumped all other things and hanged around with it day in and out.D70 costed me some 1200USD which came along with a 18-70mm DX lense.I added a Nikon SB-800 flash(~300USD)and some filters.Since I plan to shoot in raw I purchased a 1GB Compact Fash(~150USD)
Offlate I Demystified the photography glossary to a greater extent and now feel at home with those exposure concepts. From here on I plan to start a Digital Click : Demysitfy X series and post it as often as possible.
If "A Picture speaks a 1000 words" is true, then if I use the rules of Mathematical Induction, does a Video playing at 30 frames per second : speak 30K words per second ?
1 comment:
You have a really nice hobby here. It is good to know you are pursuing it to the fullest ;)
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