Godzilla Statue , Ginza ,Tokyo.
Its been 50yrs since the Godzilla hit the Japanese silver screen. The BS2 channel called it the 50yrs of Godzilla week and screened the movies every night.I was not that lucky to view all of them as I was breaking my back at office.I managed to view the first Godzilla (1954) movie and today the Godzilla 2000: Millennium.Godzilla is the creation of Tomoyuki Tanaka. In most of the movies Godzilla goes for hiking around Tokyo and hibernating in the Tokyo sea.
Just trying to draw some connections : Japan is frequented by Earthquakes, Typhoons and rarely volcanic erruptions probably all the known natural disasters. Calling the Natural disasters are GOD-chilling around, GODzilla works on the similar lines creating large scale havoc. Japanese shot some 28 movies on this invincible pyromaniac in 50yrs and in the last 5yrs there was one every year. No need to question whos crazy of this Monster.
In the 1954 movie they kill Godzilla by dropping an "Oxyzen destroyer" in the place where it hibernates, but in the 2000 one can see all the weapons of war in action from the apache-chopper to the F16s and more(guided missiles,sony viao laptop, canon EOS series cameras). How come they forget about the time tested oxygen destroyer?. This reminds me of an old joke : Once a soap maufacturing company gets a complaint that one of the customers got a soap box without a soap in it. The company calls for its Research Engineers to find a solution to the problem. The champs do some brainstorming for 6 months and come out with a scanner to throw out empty boxes which has a 99% hit, so they plan to put 2 workers to manually inspect. The chief of the company thinks other wise and puts the same problem to a factory line worker, the worker brings a gaint fan and places it across the line(For the brainy : The emptyones are knocked off).
Walking down the memory lane I remember that I first saw Godzilla in a movie KingKong vs Godzilla in my high school days. Of all the Gaint Monsters I am a fan of King Kong, may be my ancestral connection calls for cheering KK.The first of the King kong movies dates back to 1933. King Kong adores blond beauties and so do I.
I am looking forward for the 2005 Christmas release of the King Kong Movie.Its directed by none other than Peter Jackson(Lord of the Rings fame), and this movie is said to be a faithful reproduction of the 1933 KK movie. Check this production diary link of KK2005.The future of behind the screen screen seems to be more before the blue screen. Adrien Brody is featuring in this movie, I liked his action in the movie The Pianist as well as the movie.
Tip of the day:
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